#transformation | sanzaibian (2024)

Hey, a longer story today - longer than I expected (whence why it's late). Hope you still like it nevertheless !


I read with horror the letter. The infamous letter that every new member of the Gamma Alpha Tau fraternity receives. The one inviting us to the pledge party at the Delta Omega Gamma frat house.

The Gamma Alpha Tau fraternity couldn’t be farther apart from the Delta Omega Gamma.

We are a house very well-known for its great alumni and for cultivating its member’s academic proficiency, with the highest standards of intelligence. We even host some of the highest-profile scientific conferences, so infamous we are. It kind of means that we are a place full of nerds – I am no exception, with my lanky form and my messy black mop of hair – but it’s more of a compliment than an insult, really.

Delta Omega Gamma, on the other hand, cares not for academic faculties – their grades barely even scratching college average. No, they are more well known for their infamous giant parties and highest standards for athletic abilities, and are always scouted by some of the biggest sports teams in the world.

However, the Delta Omega Gamma had apparently a bit of a bad joke they liked to pull, of inviting the new pledges from the Gamma Alpha Tau in their first pledge party after the rush had ended. Apparently, everyone in this house had received that letter when they joined, and nobody wants to talk about it, and this year, it’s no different.

The two new members, Brandon and I had both received the letter. None of us were thrilled about the idea, Brandon even told me he would prefer working on mid-terms rather than going there. That guy is a bit of a math genius, a bit chubby with long unkempt hair, which along with his thick-rimmed glasses makes him look like the perfect nerd, but even him can’t like mid-terms. However, ever since the start of rush week, he’s stared multiple times at me, a bit creepily, so even though we’re in the same boat, I don’t really trust him all that much.

“There’s no way I’m ever going there.” He says, with his nasally voice.- Yeah, indeed…” I agree, meekly.- We can agree on that. Let’s just put the invite in the bin...”

However, as we approached the kitchen, the frat president stopped us. Even though he looks as nerdy as us, he has quite an imposing presence. Is it because of his lean muscles, his good style or simply his powerful voice of an expert in rhetoric ? I don’t know, but it shows that he deserves the title of president.

“You are going to that party. And that is non-negotiable.- But we aren’t going to go to a party full of dumb jocks ! We’re here to study !” Defends Brandon. I agree with a nod.- You are. To both questions. If you don’t go to that party, it’s the same punishment as under-performing : a strike. And remember, you’re still pledges, not full members yet, so one strike and you’re out.”

I don’t dare say a thing, though I see Brandon mumbling. However, after he stops mumbling, I gather my courage and ask :

“Why do we need to go ? What is the use ?” I ask with my still quite discernible accent.- It’s necessary to maintain a good relationship with our neighbors, and you won’t be an exception.”

I feel like he’s omitting something big, even though it seems like he’s saying the truth. Why would it be so essential to go there if it was only good neighborly relations ?

I nod and resign myself. That party is in only a few hours, so I need to be at least presentable. I let Brandon argue a while more while I go to my room and take acceptable clothes : a good dress shirt, jeans, and a belt. Then, I go to the bathroom and arrange a bit my mop so that it’s a bit more regular. If I go to that party, it’s to go sight-seeing, so I need to be incongruous.

After a while of preparing and failed negotiations, Brandon and I stand in front of the Delta Omega Gamma house. He stands a bit uncomfortably close to me, but I don’t blame him. I’m terrified too. I don’t do loud sounds, bright lights, alcohol and especially socialization good.

However, I decide that we can’t dally around for all eternity, and step to the main door to knock on it. The door opens on the first hottie of the evening.

“Hello Brandon and Peter – or Phitha, I don’t know what you go by !” The big man said with a booming voice. “Thank you for joining us, my bros ! I’m Jordan, the president of the Delta Omega Gamma frat !”

We don’t dare say a word, terrified by how muscular that guy, and for me, too turned on to function. Seeing our hesitancy, Jordan continues :

“So, little bros, come with me ! I’m sure you’re gonna have a great time at the craziest party you’ve ever been part of !” He says with much more enthusiasm than we showed.

He motioned us to enter, and so we did. As we entered, we found a house suspiciously similar to Gamma Alpha Tau. The walls are the same, with the same rich grain of wood, the kitchen is at the same place, and even the big marble chimney is there, only on the other side when compared to our house. Yes, actually, it seems like it’s a copy of Gamma Alpha Tau, but mirrored.

However, it still clearly the home of jocks. The couches are low and covered by some tank tops, shorts and socks, a bit haphazardly thrown around. There’s also a ton of bottles of beer on what is a study table at our frat… it’s like we’re thrown in another dimension !

As we look around, however, another frat bro comes and blocks our path. A bit weirded out, I look behind and see Jason blocking our exit. Oh no, I think too late. It’s hazing.

“Say hello to Chad. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s a cool bro.” Says Jason from behind. “So cool in fact that he’s gonna help me prepare you two for the party. You can’t expect to just come in with a dress shirt and stay quiet in your corner ! You wouldn’t have fun, little bros !”

I look at him. He has a bit of malice in his look, though weirdly no evil. However, Brandon is the first to be revolted.

“What are you doing ! You’re going to torture us ? You know it’s illegal ! Stop that, immediately !” He says with his nasally voice, drawing the laughs of Jason and Chad.- Don’t worry, you will understand everything by the end of the party…” Says Jason, enigmatically.

Jason gives a nod to Chad, and both of them suddenly grip our arms. I struggle, trying to free myself, and Brandon does the same, only more vocally :

“Let me go ! You can’t do that ! Stop it, now !”

Though it is to no avail, and Chad drags him up the stairs. As I’m dragged, struggling, to what’s presumably the downstairs bathrooms, Jason whispers to me :

“Your friend’s quite chatty… I’m sure Chad will shut him up…” I give him a stern look, and he laughs, before adding : “While I guess I’ll open you up, you need to say what’s on your mind…”

We reach what is indeed a bathroom, and he sits me on a stool.

“So, dude, to get you ready, you gotta undress.” He sees me blushing, and laughs. “I didn’t mean your underwear, bro ! But if you want…”

I shake vigorously my head, and he sighs. I still don’t dare say anything, fearing his wrath, so I obey him. I had too hard a time back home to try and resist…

When I’m barely in my underwear, he takes my clothes and puts them into a bag, before going through the drawers until he takes out… clippers. And scissors. And a weird bottle full of glue-y product. He’s going to shave me ! That I can’t accept !

“Mai, phom tongkan sing nan ! (ไม่ ผมไม่ต้องการสิ่งนั้น!)” I say, accidentally switching back to Thai, starting to flee.- Ah, so now you talk, little bro !” He answers, seemingly understanding that I said something along the lines of ‘I don’t want that’. “Don’t worry dude, the door’s locked and I have the key.”

Not what I hoped to hear ! I get to the door to find it locked. Then, Jason turns to me and drags me back on the stool. I struggle harder, as the clippers are being activated.

“Let me go ! Not my hair ! I actually like that !- Don’t worry, bro, I’m not cutting it full ! But if you continue like that, there’s gonna be accidents…”

As I continue struggling, he pulls the clippers closer. And then, as predicted, the clippers accidentally scratch my left eyebrow. I shout, as it actually really hurts.

“You see, bro ! You can’t stop it, but you can make it worse !- But what do you want me to do ? Just accept ?” I ask rhetorically. However, Jason didn’t quite get the memo.- Yes, just accept.” He answers.

This shuts me up. I stay put, tears in my eyes, letting him cut the sides of my hair, my eyebrow still in pain. I see around me tuft after tuft of black hair falling, depressed. I love my hair, it may be bushy and messy, but I love it when my mae ruffles it, and now she won’t be able to…

After a while, I feel him make rays, but I don’t care anymore. He takes out the scissors, and I don’t care. There’s yet more hair falling, and it’s just more of a disaster. He takes the bottle of glue – that I now understand is gel – and applies it to my hair. The most personal thing I have.

Seeing my desperate face, Jason turns my head towards the mirror, and I see what he did to me.

I look like a Korean singer or something – although, is it me or my skin looks clearer ? And my facial features changed ? Before I can wonder about that, my thoughts are interrupted by Jason.

“Now, bro, it’s time for the most important : the clothes ! I’ve prepared you some stuff, and you get to choose !”

He says that as if I was psyked to wear new clothes… He reveals a table on which multiple clothes were laid out, from footwear to headwear. There even was underwear – he wasn’t joking when he said I could undress fully.

As Jason mops up the excess hair, he tells me :

“Aren’t they cool, bro ? I’ve even made categories for you ! But you have to take at least one from each, dude !” He smiles a bit sad*stically. “Don’t hesitate to tell me how much you love those…”

Starting from the left, there are two pairs of white socks, the difference between which I can’t really see, along with three pairs of shoes : white sneakers, white converse and white flip-flops.

“Are you sure I can’t just wear my shoes ? They’re good enough…” I say, meekly, still in shock by the haircut.- Nah, bro, they’re lame ! White shoes are great to catch the attention of the dudes and the babes !” He answers, visibly talking from experience. Is he… no, he’s likely talking about showing off to other men.- I don’t care, I didn’t even want to go here…”

I reach for the white sneakers and the white socks. I usually wear black sneakers, they’re easier to put on, and it’s only the color that changes… As I take them, I notice that there is some glitter on the sneakers. Is that to be more flashy !?

“Bro, I like how you say what you want ! That’s a good quality for a bro to have ! But it doesn’t matter, dude, you have to stay until the very end !- Well, I can always sneak out after a few hours, nobody will notice…- Huhuhu, I guess I’ll have to watch the exits, I wouldn’t want you to flee in the middle of the night, little bro !”

I stop myself. Had I just thought aloud ? It… never happens ! I’m always quiet, and only talk when I’m in the place where I should ! Like a polite person does ! Ugh, I knew that going to this party was a bad idea, but I can’t disappoint my mae and my pho back home by not being in the best frat…

As Jason looks at me, smirking, I switch my attention back to the clothes. Next step… the pants. There is underwear – very flashy underwear – laid out above the real pants, but it’s not what I focus on. The choice is even more limited, with gray sweatpants, black sports shorts and white chino shorts…

“My god, there’s nothing to wear ! I wear jeans or chino pants, not… that ! Plus, they’re way too large !” I comment quite angrily.- Bro, we’re at a party, and we’re barely in September ! It’s hot, we’re not gonna wear something that’s too tight and too hot !- I… I guess you’re right…” I concede.

His argumentation is weirdly convincing, it does make sense that, as it’s still hot outside, I shouldn’t wear something that covers too much. However, I still hate to have my legs exposed, so I take the gray sweatpants, and put it on, along with the socks and the shoes. Ugh, I’m already way out of my comfort zone and it’s barely half of the stuff I have to wear…

The next category is the tops, and…

“Are you kidding me ? What’s that choice ? An extremely ugly polo with ugly prints, a nice beige dress shirt but without holes to put the buttons in, and a tank top with this frat’s print ? What do you want me to wear, nai thisut (ในที่สุด) ?” I blow up, very angry, almost unable to quell the swears.- Well, you could wear nothing on top, bro !” He laughs.- In your dreams, ai (ไอ้) !” I answer, leaving a small swear.

I finally decide to take the tank top. I won’t be shirtless, yet I don’t want to wear that ugly piece of… clothing… that is the polo. I put it on, reluctantly, feeling weird about this kind of half-clothed half-naked feeling, exaggerated by how big that top is on me.

“Now I’ve put on the top, are you happy ?- More happy than you think, bro.” Jason answers, smiling. “But it’s not the end, you still have three categories, dude !- I’m not doing that because I want to !”

After the one-liner, I go back to the selection. Now, it seems to be accessories… I don’t wear accessories, they’re useless ! Ugh… I see that on the table there’s a good variety of items : a luxurious watch, a steel bracelet, a few golden rings and… what looks like an arm cuff ? I’ve already seen that on some people, but only on women.

“What’s your budget if you can consider giving me a luxurious watch ?” I can’t stop myself from asking.- As big as the right items require it to be, bruh.” He grins.

I can’t possibly consider the watch nor anything expensive like gold, so by elimination there’s only the steel bracelet that’s possible… So I take it, and go to the necklace section. Because it somehow needs its own section.

There are multiple kinds of necklace, one with shells, one with string and a shark tooth, a large chunky chain, and a thinner chain with an N pendant. This time, I don’t hesitate and take that last one. My last name is Namsaichaikho, so it feels right to represent it.

And then, there is the last section. Inside, there are two snapbacks, two pairs of sunglasses, diamond-like gauges and black earrings. I look at Jason.

“How do you expect me to wear earrings ? I haven’t pierced my ears.- Bro, they’re magnetic. You don’t need to pierce your ears to put them on, bruh.” He answers, amused.

I look at them more carefully and see that they’re indeed designed to go over the earlobe, not inside. So I could wear them.

After some consideration, I took the earrings. They’re by far the least egregious one, even though it isn’t a whole lot better. I put on the last of my jewelry, and I look back at Jason, showing to him my discontent still from having to go through this.

“Now, are we finished with the f*cking hazing ?” I swear without even thinking.- Well you look great, Peter – I’m gonna call you Peter, alright !” He says, grinning, as if he was proud of himself. I don’t see quite why he would. “D’ya want to take some more, bro ?- No f*cking way.- Huhuhu, alright. Don’t worry, you’re hot enough already. Ya know, in the party there’s the whole fraternity, and there’s also the sorority Nu Iota Tau ! I’m sure someone’s gonna find you hot as hell !”

I look in the mirror. I’m ridiculous. I look like a frat bro, except one from which you’ve taken all the muscles, all the attitude, and all the hotness. Even the clothes are too big, like they’re signaling that something’s missing ! Hot my ass, I’m just gonna stay there, do nothing, and go back home to forget everything that’s happened here. Hopefully the other members of Gamma Alpha Tau won’t notice my haircut…

“So, are you ready to smash it ?” Jason asks me, overly enthusiastic, holding the door of the bathroom open.- It’s not as if I have a f*cking choice, ai (ไอ้)…” I say to him as I go out.

After all the time we spent in the bathroom, the interior of the frat had changed quite a bit. Visibly, someone took care of the common room by tidying it up, and some frat members were already starting to prepare for the party itself.

“I guess you’ve called us here early on purpose...” I ask Jason, not really realizing I had said my thoughts out loud.- Yup, that’s correct, bro !” By now I don’t really register when he answers my thoughts. “Though you two were morons for thinking that a party starts at 6 PM huhuhu.- I’ve never gone to parties before, plus I’m not from here ! I assumed it was normal !” I remark, offended and showing it.- Yeah, you’re from Thailand so it checks out. But your friend was really dumb, bro.- He’s not my friend. We’re like… er… co-pledge. Yeah. Not friends.”

That memory lapse was weird. Like, I don’t usually have brain farts like that…

“Okay, okay, not your style, huh ?” Jason laughs. “Can’t help it, though you better get along, bro. ‘Cause you’re gonna be with him tons of years, huh ? Y’all in Gamma Alpha Tau stay a ton more years more than us in college, huh ! Just have to socialize, it can’t be difficult !- Ai (ไอ้), it very f*cking hard, you know !” By now, it’s hard not to swear…- Don’t worry, I know you’re a natural, bro. See how you talk to me, dude ! See how you socialize with me ! No problem, huh ?”

I look unimpressed, but before I can retort, Chad sneaks up on Jason and whispers to him. He whisper back, and they have a whole conversation, however I can only understand a few words, due to how noisy the room already is.

Apparently, there’s talk of struggling, of not cooperating, of help and of monitoring. I can’t quite understand everything, but I chuckle as I understand that they’re likely talking about Brandon. That creep is likely giving Chad a hard time, and honestly, good for him. At least one of us has a spine…

After the discussion, Jason turns back to me.

“Well, Peter bro, I need to do something upstairs. So, have fun down here at the party ! And remember to socialize, bro, I know you’re a natural at that !”

On that, he goes upstairs with Chad. I consider for a while leaving there and then. After all, nobody knows me, here, so my leave wouldn’t be noticed… However, as I consider that, I feel the weight of all the other bros’ gaze. I can’t, someone would discover, and I’ll say lakon talotpai (ลาก่อนตลอดไป) to the frat and my parent’s expectations…

So, I decide to go inside the main room, see what’s there, and find a spot to stay in that’s far enough that people don’t notice me, yet close enough that I can credibly feign to have participated in the party.

As I go towards the center of the room, where there are people installing the main beer kegs, I get looks from the bros. More than looks, besides the chats about setting up the party, I hear people talking about me.

“Have you seen that guy, bro ? He doesn’t even fit !- Yeah, what does the prez have in mind, dude ?”

“So funny, he has like nothing more than bones, bro !- Yeah bro, d’ya think he eats, bro ?- Nah, he only eats grass I wager.”

I’m quite discouraged when I hear that. Even though I didn’t believe a second what Jason said about me being a natural at socializing, it still hurts to be proven right like that. I feel a muscle twitch.

I go to the other side of the room, close to the kitchen. There, I see the bros take out the packs of beer. Suddenly, one of them hails me :

“Hey little bro, can you help us ? We need to take the packs to the low table.- I’m sorry, I’m not really that strong…” I answer, suddenly bashful when that stranger speaks to me.- Come on, it’s not that heavy, little bro ! Plus I’m gonna give you a can at the end !”

I don’t want a can of beer by any means, but as he continues insisting, I go help them. The packs are surprisingly light, although they do tense up my muscles quite a lot. It’s a good workout, I guess…

When every pack has been transferred, they pick one for each of the helpers, and one is given to me.

“Here you go, bro, for the effort !”

He is very jovial, and then starts downing the can. I’m very hesitant, I absolutely don’t do alcohol, but as I feel the judgmental stares piling on me, I open my can and start sipping it slowly.

It’s a weird beverage, not very good, and with a horrid smell, yet there is something to it that makes me want to drink more. The other bros make a sign and go away, and I take that as a sign to go back to exploring, can in hand.

As I explore, the frat becomes more lively, with the first members of the sorority Nu Iota Tau joining us as the party starts for real. I even eye in the distance Jason, meaning he has finished with his deed.

As I walk, I feel my muscles twitch harder and harder. I look at the can. Is that the beer’s fault ? I know it tends to muddy the thoughts, but I never expected that to be also an effect… however, I can’t help myself from taking another sip.

Once again, I listen to what people say behind my back, and do hear a few things. Though I didn’t expect to hear what I heard :

“Is that a new pledge ? He’s a bit skinny, but he has future.- Yeah, I especially like his style, dude. Though have you seen how he drinks his beer ? It’s like it’s champagne or something, bro, so funny !- Dude you’re underestimating beer ! It’s the best drink on earth, bro !”

“Bro, that guy’s from which frat ? Is he invited ?- I guess, party crashers usually come later, so I guess the prez want to convert some new bros to Delta Omega Gamma huhuhu !”

I decide to drink more frankly from my beer can. I’m getting a bit dizzy, but it’s good, so I wouldn’t want to waste it…

“Bro, what are you doing ? You don’t wanna play beer pong ?” Suddenly says a frat bro, pulling me out of my thoughts.- Sorry, I don’t play that kind of games…- Bro, I’ve seen you down that can. You want some beer, yeah ? So come with me, dude !- No, really, I insist-” I start as I’m interrupted by another bro.- Hey, if you want to be a real bro, you should come, bro. There’s enough for everybody, three times.”

That guy has a much more dominating attitude, so I concede and follow them outside. They give me the rules, and we start playing. I actually have quite a bit of fun, small talking with the other guys and getting excited at where the ball lands.

After a few rounds however, it becomes clear that I’m not good at throwing stuff, and I botch all the shots that I take… As a punishment, my team makes me drink nearly all the cups, and after only a single game, I feel very dizzy.

“Bro, I’m sorry but I won’t play with you a second time, you’re so f*cking bad !” Says my teammate, the one who dragged me to the game in the first place.- Y-Yeah… I know… … bro.” I answer, unexpectedly mirroring everyone else’s speech patterns.- Dude you’re so out of it, go sit on the couch to sober up, okay bro ?” The other teammate, with the more dominating attitude, tells me, with a hint of worry in his voice.- Okay... bro.” I answer with a bit of a daze.

I reel to the couch and sit on it. My muscles are still twitching, but I attribute that to the beer. As I’m resting, I listen to what people are saying about me :

“Have you seen that guy ? He’s so hot, but he seems already wasted…- He must have drunk tons of beer, he doesn’t seem like a lightweight…”

“Bro, d’ya know when that guy joined ?- I dunno, I don’t remember him… Is it Kai ? No, he’s over there… or Jay ? No, he left this year to become pro…- Should we ask prez ? He might know who he is.”

It starts becoming dark, yet also hot due to all the bodies heating the main room. As I start sweating, I just go to take my tank top off – feeling though a bit clumsy as I do that – and lie down to sober up. As I do that, I feel the burning looks of those around me...

I don’t know why, but it makes me feel self-conscious, so I stand back up and put on the Delta Omega Gamma tank top. Doing that, I also scratch my crotch. Is it… scrapier than usual ? When I move my arms walking around, it also feels weirdly scrapy… and big.

But, before I can fully comprehend what happened to me, I’m interrupted by two girls from Nu Iota Gamma.

“Hey, cutie, I’ve never seen you here ! Who are you ?”

The very concept of being called cute, let alone being hit on by a woman throws me for a loop. So much for a loop in fact that I default to a flirty line :

“I’m Phitha, but you can call me Peter.”

The women giggle.

“I can see that you have an N on your necklace, Peter…” Starts the first.- Does it stand for the Nu in Nu Iota Gamma ? Because I can totally see you as an honorary member…” The second finishes.

I’m a bit confused, still dizzy from all the alcohol, so I start answering with the truth, too gay to comprehend straight flirting :

“Well, it actually stands for-”

I’m suddenly interrupted by a strong hand circling my waist, and a deep, monotone voice stating :

“He’s mine. Get out.”

I look behind me, and see an extremely hot guy.

“Oh my god, you’re so hot…” I think aloud, once again talking before thinking.

Seeing how over the moon I am at being embraced like that by another guy, the two women discreetly back out, though by now, I had already forgotten about them.

That guy looks at me with a hungry but emotionless look, as if he knew that he was the alpha here. And clearly, he was, as he continued embracing me. Without thinking, I tell him :

“So, bro, what do you want to do with me ? If I’m yours… you have to take care of me, huh ?”

He nods, and without saying a word, drags me around until we reach a free bedroom. I’m over the moon at being dragged like that by a man like him… it’s something that could only have happened in my wildest dreams !

Once we’re in, he takes my tank top out, flinging it to the other side of the room, and pushes me on the bed. He then starts slow by undressing me little by little, first the shoes, then the socks, then the sweatpants, and he teases me by pulling on the border of my underwear. I bite my lip. It’s too good to be real !

He then does the same to himself, though faster, and goes until nothing remains.

“Suck.” He simply orders as he steps on the bed, on his knees, his apparatus on full display.

I go do it, and ensues a series of moans by him. I might be a virgin, yet somehow I suck him with an expertise only veterans possess. After a while, he pushes my face out, his apparatus throbbing, and as he goes to the nightstand, he orders :

“Turn around.”

Beyond excited, I hear him putting on condom and lube, and then impales me. This time it’s him who shows a great expertise – though I can guess this expertise has actually been acquired.

The session is intense, and we finally both come after a good long while of edging and pleasure. We’re both exhausted, and he collapses on me. We have barely enough energy to “decouple” and throw the condom in the bin before we fall asleep.

The next day, I wake up with rays of sunshine, as morning comes. I see that I’m in bed along with the hot stranger, who’s holding me. I smile, and carefully move his arms so that I am free from his embrace. Thankfully, he seems to be a heavy sleeper, so I let him sleep.

I take a phone on the nightstand – presumably my phone – and I instinctively press the camera key. I put the phone quite from me, right in the pose to make a selfie, when suddenly, two things hit me as intensely wrong.

First, since when do I do selfies ?Second, who the hell is that guy on the phone ?

I rub my lips, and find that, indeed, hair had grown on it. I’ve never been able to grow a mustache, nevermind a goatee like that !

I’m almost tempted to rush outside the bedroom to go in the bathroom, but then I notice I’m still naked. So I go back, rummage through the abandoned clothes on the ground to find underwear, and then go out of the bedroom.

My step is heavy, though it is not clumsy, as if I was used to being this big. My god are my muscles big. I… guess that’s the pump for you…

I go through the living room, messy and full of clothes, cups, as well as some vomit, trying to be as discreet as possible so as not to wake anyone up – which is not easy with this big a body. After a few cups accidentally falling on the ground, I am hailed by someone who I didn’t notice was in the kitchen.

“Hey Peter, doin’ good ?”

I look at Jason, sat on a tall stool in the kitchen. He invites me to take place on one of the bar stools at the other side of the counter. I oblige.

“Yup, I’m doing good, bro.” It seems natural to give out ‘bros’ in my speech, though now, sober, I notice the fact that I don’t usually do that. “I mean, I’m doing good.- Huhuhu you can’t resist the call of the bro ! So funny. But no, it wasn’t for that that I called you, bro. I’ve got two things to tell you.” He puts in a dramatic pause. “First of all… why always my bedroom, bro ! Why is it that when the pledges come, they always f*ck in my bedroom ! I had to go to Gamma Alpha Tau ‘cause of your shenanigans, bro !”

I blush.

“Did we really f*ck in there ? I’m sorry, bruh…” I think out loud, once again.- You’d think I’d be used to it, but no, it’s every single time… But yeah, bro, that’s not the important part.” He once again puts in a dramatic pause. “Second of all… d’ya wanna know why you’re not how you used to be like ?- What, you know that I’m not myself, bro ?- Yeah, dude, how could I not see when you become a piece of hotness like that ?- Well thanks, bro.” I say, involuntarily flexing in front of him. I really am doing weird stuff, here…- Heh, nice bruh.” He laughs, before regaining his composure. “But yeah, d’ya wanna know or…- I wanna know.” I say with a confidence I rarely have – but under those circ*mstances, I guess I often have.

Jason laughs at my answer, but knows when to be serious :

“Well, in fact, bro, Gamma Alpha Tau and Delta Omega Gamma are linked. We are two twin frats, and ever since the beginning of our existence, those from Gamma Alpha Tau come to Delta Omega Gamma to unwind and relax after study sessions, while those from Delta Omega Gamma come to Gamma Alpha Tau come to study and keep up their grades.- And how does the… transformation… fit ?- Well, when we go to the other frat, we get transformed to a body that fits the frat we’re in. Don’t worry, when you’re out of the Delta Omega Gamma property you’re gonna be back to your regular you, but each time you come back, this is the body you’re coming back to.” He pauses, before continuing : “This is why we invite the Gamma Alpha Tau pledges to our pledge party, bro, to make them be in the know ! And I can’t help myself from helping mold our new bro, that’s why I gave you a haircut and the clothes… that you’re not wearing…- I wanted to go to the bathroom, bro. I just need underwear.” I say, confidently.- Yeah, makes sense. So yeah, bro, where do you think the Delta Omega Gamma pledges are, right now ?”

I think hard about that. For some reason, I have a hard time parsing the answer in the fog of my mind… and it isn’t helped by the now aching feeling of hangover… Seeing me put my hand on my head, Jason slides me a cup of coffee, “for the hangover”.

“I dunno, man, here ?” I finally answer. Even though I have an inkling that it’s a trick question, I just can’t seem to find the trick.- No ! False, bro ! They’re in Gamma Alpha Tau, and they’re by now waking up from their intense study session in their nerd bodies !- Wow, so weird to imagine, bruh…- Well, you’re gonna have to get used to it, because from now until the rest of the year, there’s gonna be people in one frat or the other. We always send the dates of our parties, bro, and we come to yours when we need to study, dude !”

I think a while about the situation. Basically, we’re two twin frats that are the opposite of one another, yet the occupants go from one frat to another to compensate for what they don’t have…

“Bro, why is that ? Why is there transformation ?” I think aloud, yet again.- Ah. That question. Basically, we don’t know, bro, it’s been like that ever since the beginning. So we just continue tradition and good neighborly relations !”

He laughs, but I hear in his answer a hint of lying. However, I really don’t trust this version of myself to be able to argue it out so I let the issue go… I then wonder about the man I had in bed. He arrived quite late, but he never told me his name…

“Do you know who was there at the party, bro ?- There was the Delta Omega Gamma frat, save for our five pledges, the Nu Iota Tau sorority, the two new pledges from the Gamma Alpha Tau frat – so you and Brandon – and at the very end there were some Psi Iota Lambda party crashers, but you were already on your own world. You two were the first to go away, bro…”

I think a while, trying to find a way to know that handsome stranger’s name. Then, a flash of brightness arrives.

“D’ya have a yearbook, bro ? Somewhere where all the Delta Omega Gamma bros are listed with their photos ?- Well, at the end of each year, we do a yearbook, so I can only lend you the one of last year, bro… Not that it’ll change anything, the pledges aren’t here.” He answers, with a bit of malice in his voice. He’s clearly playing with me.- ‘Kay, thanks bruh.”

I go to the couch and open the yearbook. There are tons of group photos, with the number of attendees varying from photo to photo – I bet there’s some Gamma Alpha Tau folks in some of them, now that the truth has been revealed.

But when I reach the end, there are photos of every member of the frat, along with their name and occupation. I see a bunch of familiar faces, but try as I might, I don’t see the handsome stranger inside.

I put the book away and think in the fog that envelops my mind, but after a while, I finally have another flash of brightness.

“It’s Brandon, is it not ?” I think aloud, seeing Jason grinning in the background.

#transformation | sanzaibian (2024)


What is the simple meaning of transformational? ›

/ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃənl/ ​connected with a complete change in somebody/something, especially a positive change. a transformational moment in the country's history.

What do we mean by transformation? ›

a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved: Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.

What does Transformate mean? ›

to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose. Synonyms: transfigure. to change in condition, nature, or character; convert. to change into another substance; transmute.

What does it mean to go through a transformation? ›

Transformation is change, when someone sees that they want to change their behaviour, in their way of learning and when someone wants to improve and progress.

What is transformation in a person? ›

What is human transformation? Human transformation is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. It is at the heart of every major aspect of our lives. It affects how we see and relate to the world, and how we understand our place in it.

What is transformational behavior? ›

Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process, but they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed. Transformational leaders take control of situations by conveying a clear vision of the group's goals.

What are the 4 types of transformation? ›

There are four common types of transformations - translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation.

What are the 4 examples of transformation? ›

There are four main types of transformations: translation, rotation, reflection and dilation. These transformations fall into two categories: rigid transformations that do not change the shape or size of the preimage and non-rigid transformations that change the size but not the shape of the preimage.

What is the transformation process in life? ›

There are Six Stages of Transformation: Realize, Release, Rebound, Reinvent, Resurrect, and Respond. The beauty in breaking down our transformational process is that you can see where you've been, where you are, and where you're heading.

What does transforming a person mean? ›

To transform something or someone means to change them completely and suddenly so that they are much better or more attractive.

What does it mean to transform yourself? ›

Meaning of self-transformation in English

a complete change in your appearance or character, especially an improvement, that you have made yourself: After being made redundant, she went through a process of self-transformation and is approaching her career in a new way.

What does transformed mean in the Bible? ›

This means a change of their very nature or a change at the heart of who they are. We experience a transformation of the heart when we receive Christ. We become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are born again (1 Peter 1:23) to become children of God (John 1:12). We receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

What does transformation mean spiritually? ›

Spiritual transformation refers primarily to a fundamental change in the place of the sacred or the character of the sacred as an object of significance in life, and secondarily to a fundamental change in the pathways the individual takes to the sacred.

What is the true meaning of transformation? ›

A transformation is a dramatic change in form or appearance. An important event like getting your driver's license, going to college, or getting married can cause a transformation in your life. A transformation is an extreme, radical change.

What does a transformed life look like? ›

Transformation Looks Like Serving Others

I have come to understand that as a believer in Christ, I am expected to use everything I have—time, money, resources, talents, abilities and spiritual gifts—for the service of Him who saved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20).

What is a synonym for transformational? ›

born-again, cathartic, reframing, transmuting.

What is another word for transformative? ›

life-changing transformational. Strong match. metamorphic. Weak matches. born-again cathartic reframing transmuting.

What is an example of transformative? ›

adjective. causing a radical and typically positive change in outlook, character, form, or condition: Voting is a culturally and socially transformative action. It's difficult to put into words how transformative and enriching it is to study abroad.

What does transformational way mean? ›

causing a major change to something or someone, especially in a way that makes it or them better: the transformative power of art. The whole experience was transformational.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.