The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (2024)


Introduction to The Tenth Circle (Savage)

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (1)

Stone and steel moving by means of magicks or technology is hardly cause toraise an eyebrow, but the idea of inanimate objects being imbued with life isfantastic indeed. Nemjiji seems to agree, and to see the flourishes she adds toyour report of the battle with Pandæmonium, you wonder if her power to createmay rival even Athena's.


Unlock Requirements

The Tenth Circle (Savage) can be unlocked at level 90 after completing theNormal difficulty of the Anabaseios raid and talking to Nemjiji in Labyrinthos(x8.4, y27.4). It requires a minimum item level of 630 to queue, but thisrequirement can be bypassed when entering with a full party.


Pandaemonium Raid Guide

Pandaemonium has a hard enrage of 10:40, with a soft enrage starting at 10:28.The fight has a DPS check of roughly 68,400 raid DPS.


Raid Preparation

Begin by assigning all DPS and all tanks and healers "quickmarch/leviathan"spots - positions in a vertical line from 1 to 4, with melee in the front andranged in the back. Next, split the raid into two light parties of one tank, onehealer, and two DPS each. Each DPS will be partnered with one support - tankswith melee DPS and healers with ranged DPS. They will also have quickmarch spots.Supports will go to the left side platform, and DPS will go to the right whennecessary.

Throughout the fight, eight towers will spawn that must soaked by one playereach. While parties are free to assign towers however they want, it is recommendedfor the players spreading to the side platforms to have the towers close left andright, as there are mechanics that require them to move from the top of theside platforms to the towers.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (2)

Waymarks can be placed to suit the party's needs. It is recommended to placethree waymarks at the back of the arena to help positioning for the hardestmechanic of the fight - an example is shown below.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (3)


Pandaemonium's Main Mechanics

The arena in The Tenth Circle is divided into a main platform with twoplatforms on the side. There is a pool of poison that divides the side platformsand standing in this pool at any time will inflict a 45-second poison DoT.The boss will cast web-based abilities, and specific ones can be used to createa bridge to cross the poison to the side platforms.

Pandaemonium is a wall boss, meaning its position is static and there areno positionals.


Phase One

Pandaemonium has the following abilities starting in the first phase.

  • Ultima: Heavy raidwide magical damage that inflicts a bleed DoT.
  • Soul Grasp: A multi-hit magical tank buster on the current maintank. This must be shared by both tanks or invulned, and hits four times.
  • Dividing Wings: Pandaemonium summons two sword wings on the arena,which tether to one DPS and one support. This will shoot a wide cone in theirdirection, dealing moderate magic damage and inflicting both a magicvulnerability debuff and a bleed DoT.
  • Steel Web: A random DPS and support will receive a web stack marker.All players in the stack will receive shared magic damage, and become tetheredto each other with a web. If players are too close to each other in the stack,this web is unbreakable, but if players are far enough, this web becomesbreakable by any other player running through it. While trapped, players willreceive stacks of Heavy Soul Snare. If the debuff count reaches 4, playerswill instantly die.
  • Circles of Pandaemonium: A donut AoE from the boss.
  • Pandaemon's Holy: A point-blank AoE from the boss.
  • Wicked Step: Two towers spawn on the arena on the left and rightof the main platform. These must be soaked by a tank, deal heavy physicaldamage, and inflicts a bleed DoT. These towers will also knock players up,and the tanks must stand in the correct position in order to get knockedonto a side platform.
  • Entangling Web: Both tanks, a random healer, and a random DPS willbe marked for a web AoE. If both of these webs are touching a post on thearena between the main platform and a side platform, it will create a bridgebetween the two platforms that can be used to cross the poison. Players mustmove out of the AoE after it drops.
  • Pandaemoniac Pillars: Eight towers spawn on the main platformsthat must be soaked by one player each. These will spawn cannon adds, whichwill either do a donut AoE or a point-blank AoE depending on what the cannonlooks like.
  • Silkspit: All players are marked for a web AoE that deals moderatemagic damage. Players too close to each other or on top of a post will betethered to each other or the post with a web, which can be broken by runningthrough it.
  • Daemoniac Bonds: Inflicts all players with the Daemoniac Bondsdebuffs. In addition, two players of opposite roles may be inflicted withthe Tetradaemoniac Bonds debuff, or four players of the same role may beinflicted with the Duodaemoniac Bonds debuff. These debuffs will do an AoEwhen they expire.
    • Daemoniac Bonds deals moderate magic damage and inflicts amagic vulnerability debuff when it expires.
    • Tetradaemoniac Bonds deals moderate magic damage and inflictsa magic vulnerability debuff when it expires. It must be shared with threeother players, and if there are not four players in the stack, all playersin the stack will instantly die.
    • Tetradaemoniac Bonds deals moderate magic damage and inflictsa magic vulnerability debuff when it expires. It must be shared with oneother player, and if there are not two players in the stack, all playersin the stack will instantly die.
  • Pandaemoniac Meltdown: A stack marker on a random player, which dealsheavy shared damage in a line. In addition, two other random players are marked with aprey marker - this will shoot a line AoE at them. All instances of damageinflict a magic vulnerability debuff.
  • Touchdown: Pandaemonium slams down on the central platform, knockingback players and likely instantly killing them from damage.

Pandaemonium is a fight that requires precise execution and careful debuffreading. The fight begins with Ultima into Soul Grasp. Tanks needto ensure they save some mitigation for Wicked Step about 45 seconds after.Following this is the first mechanic of the fight, a combination of DividingWings and Steel Web. A random DPS and support will get tethered towings that spawn in the middle of the central platform. They need to point theseaway from the party, which will stack in a loose triangle to the left and rightof the arena with supports left and DPS right. Tethered players will go to theirwing and stand Northeast and Northwest.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (4)

Afterwards, the tethered players must break the players free on the side theyare on by running through the webs. Keep in mind both tethered players will takea heavy bleed, so they must be healed. Immediately after breaking them out,Pandaemonium will cast either Circles of Pandaemonium or Pandaemon'sHoly, so go close to the boss or outside its hitbox.

Next is Wicked Step. The tanks will pick the the opposite tower as theirlight party platform, as they get knocked back to the opposite side. The idealplace to stand is the exact middle of the tile towards the side platform, and besure to mitigate the hit. After tanks get knocked back, both tanks, a randomhealer, and a random DPS will be targeted by Entangling Web. They need tostand close to each other, touching AoEs on the poles. Move out of the AoEafterwards, as it will create a bridge and tether all players caught inside.Tanks need to move back in, and all players should move to their positions forPandaemoniac Pillars.

After soaking these towers, cannon adds will spawn. These will either dig intothe ground, indicating a point-blank AoE, or use beams and rotate, indicatinga donut AoE. The boss also casts either Circles of Pandaemonium or Pandaemon'sHoly. Players will need to run inside or outside the boss's hitbox andstand in a donut cannon. If there are two donut cannons next to each other,the AoE will clip into the safe spot, so stand on the correct side of the donut.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (5)

The boss then casts Silkspit. All players need to spread out, makingsure to not stand too close to each other with the marked AoE. There is room forfour players on the central platform and two players on each side platform. Havethe tanks and melees move to the side platform of their respective light party,and the ranged and healers stay in the middle for ease of movement. The playerson the central platform need to stand to make sure they do not hit the posts oneach end.

While players are spreading, the boss will cast Daemoniac Bonds. Playersneed to read the debuff list to check how they are spreading and stacking whenthe debuffs resolve. If two players have Tetradaemoniac Bonds, playerswill spread in their roles and stack in their roles. If four players haveDuodaemoniac Bonds, players will spread in their light parties and stackwith their partner. In addition, players need to look if they are stacking firstor spreading first: check if Daemoniac Bonds expires first or the stackdebuff.

After the Silkspit AoE goes off, return to the centre platform forPandaemoniac Meltdown. Players marked with the prey should move out of thestack to the sides, and the stack should remain in the middle. Be sure to healup and mitigate. Note that both preys can be on the same side, as the line AoEis thin, but one player should move to the front to shoot their AoE towards theside.

Pandaemonium will then begin casting Touchdown. Players need to spreadto the side platforms in the formation discussed previously based on debuffs,either in roles or light parties. On the platform, players will need to obey thedebuff that is expiring first, then the debuff that is expiring second. Theyneed to spread in their quickmarch position, and then stack with their group ortheir partner or vice-versa. Return to the main platform when the mechanic iscompleted.


Phase Two

Pandaemonium gains the following abilities starting in the second phase.

  • Pandaemoniac Turrets: Pandaemonium spawns eight towers that mustbe soaked by one player each, in a line formation with four North and fourSouth. These towers will spawn a turret each. Two turrets will each be markedfrom one to four, indicating the order in which they fire. Turrets are baitedon the closest person to them. When they fire, they do shared damage to allplayers hit, knock them back, and inflicts a Dark Resistance Down debuff tothe closest player that prevents them from taking another instance of turretdamage.
  • Pandaemoniac Ray: Pandaemonium's face will dislodge and point towardsone side of the arena. This will do a half-room AoE on that side, fearingplayers hit. These will also spawn bits on the side hit, doing a thin lineAoE from where they spawned.

The second phase of the fight begins with another Ultima into SoulGrasp. Be sure to heal up and mitigate after the damage from the spread andstack. The boss then casts Daemoniac Bonds, which will always inflictplayers with Duodaemoniac Bonds as well as Daemoniac Bonds. Thesedebuffs will resolve after the next major mechanic set, so keep the order in mind.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (6)

The boss then casts Pandaemoniac Turrets. Players will stand in thetower on their light party's side of the arena, with melee and tank taking thefront two towers and the ranged and healer taking the back two towers. Thesetowers will spawn cannon turrets marked in order from one to four. These turretbeams must be baited by players in order of melee, healer, ranged, then tanks. Lightparty 1's players will always take the west-most turret, and light party 2players will always take the right-most turret. Tanks will stack with each soakingplayer to mitigate the damage, making sure that they are behind them relativeto the turret to not get the vuln debuff. When a player is done baiting theturret beam, they will dodge all remaining turret beams.

On the third set, tanks should try and get knocked back close to the fourthset of turrets, which they will be taking by themselves with a cooldown. This isbecause if they are slow getting to the fourth set, two beams will likely baiton one of the tanks, killing them. Immediately after the tanks get knockedforward, players will either need to spread in their tower spots, or stack withtheir partner. Afterwards, they will have to do the opposite, depending on whichdebuff was expiring first.

This is immediately followed by Pandaemoniac Ray. Players on the unsafeside should move to the safe side, and all players need to dodge the line AoEsfrom the bits that spawn on the other side. This is followed by another Ultima,Soul Grasp, and Wicked Step. Tanks should be sure to save mitigationfor both busters.

The next mechanic set is one of the most difficult in the fight due to thefast pace. Entangling Web is cast, so build the bridges over the poison again.Following this is Silkspit, so all players need to spread again, withmelee and tanks going to the side platforms and ranged and healers staying inthe centre. At this time, the boss will cast Daemonic Bonds, which willalways cast Tetradaemonic Bonds and Daemonic Bonds. Note whichdebuff has the shorter duration, as that will resolve first. Immediately afterthe AoE from Silkspit resolves, the melee and tanks on the side platforms needto return to the centre for Pandaemoniac Pillars.

After the towers, get into the safe spot either in or out as Circles ofPandaemonium or Pandaemon's Holy is cast yet again. After dodging,the boss will cast Pandaemoniac Ray, and note what debuff resolves first.Note that after the half-room cleave, bits will also spawn and do the line AoEduring the second debuff's expiration. If Daemonic Bonds has the shorterduration, players will need to spread in their quickmarch positions. IfTetradaemoniac Bonds has the shorter duration, players will need to stackin their role in the middle. Players will need to do this on one side of the arena,then resolve the second debuff's positioning while dodging line AoEs from thebits.

Heal up and prepare for the next mechanic. If many players died to the previousmechanic set, it is a good idea to healer LB3 to raise the party before the nextmechanic. Players will have to do the Dividing Wings and Steel Webmechanic from the beginning of the fight on the side platforms, as the bosswill cast Touchdown. Supports will go to the left platform, and DPS willgo to the right platform, while tethered players will obey their tether and goto the platform their wing is on. Point the tether South, and the stack shouldgo North in a triangle formation. The tethered player needs to free the stackedplayers, and quickly return to the centre to heal up the bleed.

The phase ends with Pandaemoniac Meltdown into Soul Grasp.Tanks may want to invuln this one if they do not plan on using it in the lastphase to free up some cooldowns.


Phase Three

Pandaemonium gains the following abilities starting in the third phase.

  • Pandaemoniac Web: Casts Entangling Web on three random players andSteel Web on one random player. Afterwards, the three players in theSteel Web stack will also receive Entangling Web markers.
  • Harrowing Hell: Deals eight instances of extremely heavy physicaldamage to the party, and then one instance of colossal physical damage to theparty which knocks players off the arena unless there is an impassable webto catch them. The two closest players will take extra damage.
  • Parted Plumes: A giant puddle in the centre of the arena whichinflicts paralysis will spawn. This will spawn conal AoEs that rotate aroundthe middle.

The final phase of the fight consists of a mechanical check, and then one ofthe most difficult mitigation and healing checks in the game. The boss willcast Dividing Wings and Pandemoniac Web. Players should standin a line to ensure that they know what position they have for the webs. Threeplayers will be marked with an AoE web, and they should go to the A, B, and Cmarkers at the very edge of the room. The players at A and C need to hit the postwith their web AoE, and all three AoEs need to overlap. The player marked withSteel Web needs to stand close to the middle outside of the boss's hitbox,and the unmarked players will form a triangle with that player. This ensures thatthey are sufficiently far enough from each other, and so that they know whichmarker they are going to afterwards. The tethered players will take them to theedge of the platform, pointing the AoE away from the party. This is because theboss casts Pandaemon's Holy as the first set of AoEs go off.

The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (7)

Immediately after the first set of AoEs go off, the three players that had theAoE need to move forward to help break the players out of the web. These playerswill then receive web AoEs, and they need to place them at A, B, and C, infront of the already-formed web. Players at A and C need to again ensure thattheir AoE hits the post. You will know if the webs were formed correctly, as apop-up message will display saying that "the webs are impassable."

Players will then need to move to the front of the arena and check theirdebuffs from Daemonic Bonds and begin to heal up and mitigate forHarrowing Hell. Tanks must stand closer to the boss and use cooldowns tomitigate the heavy damage, while the party stands behind them and uses theirmitigation tools to survive. There are eight hits of heavy damage that ramps upover 13 seconds, then one final hit of colossal damage that knocks the partyback. Each instance of damage snapshots mitigation, so it is preferable to usemitigation in the middle to cover the heavier hits towards the end.

During the mechanic, players need to get in formation for the DaemonicBonds after the knockback. If it's Tetradaemoniac Bonds, have thesupports on the left and DPS on the right. If it's Duodaemoniac Bonds,have the players in the positions for their Pandemoniac Turrets towers, as itwill be easier to resolve. Immediately after the knockback, tanks and meleesshould dash to the boss. This will leave plenty of space for all players todo the mechanic. If it's Daemonic Bonds first, players can stay where theyare (after dashing in). If it's Tetradaemoniac Bonds, the ranged playersshould run up to melee range, and the melee players should run back a bit toensure everyone is in the stack. If it's Duodaemoniac Bonds, tanks canstack with their melee in their light party, and healers can stack with theirranged. Resolve the other mechanic afterwards.

Heal up, as the final part of the fight follows with another Ultimaand Soul Grasp. Tanks will definitely have fewer cooldowns for this, asmost of them were likely used on the previous Soul Grasp and Harrowing Hell.This is followed by Wicked Step, and healers should take care to spotheal the tanks due to the heavy incoming tank damage. This is followed byEntangling Web, so create the bridge for your tanks. The final newmechanic of the fight is Parted Plumes. Players should find where theconal AoEs start and go one spot behind it, then move into it as the first onegoes off. However, the boss will cast Pandaemoniac Ray during this time,so move along with the conal AoEs to the safe half of the room if necessary.Make sure to dodge the line AoEs from the bits.

The final few mechanics are ones previously seen. The boss will cast Silkspit,so spread to the side platforms. This is followed immediately by PandaemoniacPillars, and a Circles of Pandaemonium or Pandaemon's Holywhile dodging the cannons. Pandaemoniac Meltdown comes after, and makesure the prey markers leave the stack.

Afterwards, the soft enrage will begin. The boss will begin casting HarrowingHell, but this time there are no webs to save you from getting knocked off.After nine hits, the final hit will do colossal damage and knock you off thearena, so deal damage and kill the boss before it kills you!



When Pandaemonium is defeated, a treasure coffer will appear that containsAnabaseios Gear Coffers and upgrade tokens. When opened by a player, thesecoffers contain item level 660 Anabaseios equipment for the job the player iscurrently on. The amount of coffers that appear depend on how many players havealready cleared during the weekly lockout. If no players have cleared yet, anAnabaseios Head, Hands, and Feet coffer will drop, as well as a Divine Shine anda Hermetic Tomestone. If one to four players have already cleared, the loot ishalved. If five or more players have already cleared, no treasure coffer willappear.

Players who defeat the encounter for the first time during the weekly reset willalso receive an Anabaseios Mythos II token. Four of these can be tradedin for an Anabaseios Head, Hands, or Feet gear of your choosing at aPandaemonium gear vendor. Three of these can be traded for a Divine Shine, usedto upgrade Credendum accessories.



  • 13 Jun. 2023: Fixed an error with loot description.
  • 09 Jun. 2023: Guide added.

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The Tenth Circle (Savage) Raid Guide (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.