Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (2025)

Here are options for Netherlands opticians, contact lenses suppliers, prescription sunglasses and kids reading glasses in Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and elsewhere in Holland.

T: 033 750 5798
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (1)
Pearle Opticians is the largest optical chain in the Netherlands with over 250 locations including Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Breda, Delft, Eindhoven, Leiden, Maastricht and Tilburg. Here you can get your vision tested, eyes scanned for health and prescription eyeglasses / contact lenses. In case of emergency, you can even get replacement glasses in 1 hour. Schedule an appointment
T: 033 750 5799
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (2)
Grand Optical is a chain of optician shops with 30 locations in Netherlands including in Amsterdam, Amstelveen and Utrecht. Have your vision tested and get corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses. Designer frames from Prada, Gucci, Ray Ban, Tom Ford, Versace. Schedule an appointment.
T: 033 750 5797
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (3)
Eye Wish is a large Dutch optical chain with locations across the country. Have your vision checked and see if corrective eyewear is recommended. In addition to getting prescription glasses or contact lenses, you can also sign up for a contact lens subscription, add insurance for your eyeglasses and more.
T: 0800 0075
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (4)
Hans Anders is a Dutch chain of optical shops in the Netherlands. In addition to prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses and vision testing, they offer membership plans at a low monthly charge to cover the cost of your next pair of glasses or contacts. Hans Anders locations include Amsterdam, Breda, Eindhoven, Groningen, The Hague, Maastricht, Rotterdam and Utrecht
T: 085 487 4300
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (5)
LensOnline Netherlands partners with local optometrists where you can go to have your vision tested and get advice on contact lenses (which are then supplied by LensOnline). Have the order delivered to your home or pick up at the optician’s shop. If you already know your prescription, you can also order directly from the LensOnline website. Brands include Acuvue, Dailies, Proclear, PureVision, Soflens and more.
T: 070 324 2056
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (6)
Oogmerk Tunderman is a small optician chain in The Hague area that offers high-quality customer care, a wide range of designer frames/ sunglasses, contact lenses, eye exams and vision testing. 3 locations: Den Haag Benoordenhout, Leidschendam town center and Leidsenhage shopping mall.
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (7)
bol. offers prescription contact lenses from a wide selection of brands, plus lens solutions, reading glasses, designer sunglasses, eye drops and other vision care products. Etos optical supplies are also available through the bol. webshop. Free shipping for orders over €25.
T: 011 325 3805
Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (8) is a Dutch online drugstore that offers a selection of vision care products including daily and monthly disposable contact lenses from Eye Fresh and Unicare, as well as colored contacts from Pretty Eyes and cleaning solutions from Bausch & Lomb, Boston and Optifree. Free delivery for orders over €20.


As is the case in most countries, there are three types of specialists associated with eye care in Holland: optometrists, opticians and ophthalmologists.

An optometrist is a licensed professional trained in eye health and vision, and can identify eye problems, test for vision deviations and write prescriptions for corrective eyewear. Optometrists in the Netherlands are included in the BIG-register of Dutch health care professionals in order to practice legally. Optometristen Vereniging Nederland (OVN) is the Dutch national association of optometrists

An optician (opticien) is a vision specialist trained to fit prescription eyewear including glasses and contact lenses. The Netherlands does not regulate this field of expertise or require any specific certifications. Dutch opticians are NOT included in the BIG registry.

An ophthalmologist (oogarts) is a medical doctor specialized in eye health who deals with injuries and diseases that can impact vision such as glaucoma, cataracts, detached retinas and optical nerve degeneration. Many are also trained to perform laser vision-correction surgery (LASIK). Ophthalmologists in the Netherlands are listed in the BIG registry of Dutch health care professionals.

Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (9)


Vision care in the Netherlands is easily accessible with independent boutiques and specialty optical chains located in all city centers and shopping malls. They offer standard eye exams (vision testing) and corrective eyewear. The cost of these are not covered by the Dutch Basic Health Insurance plan (Basiszorgverzekering). Supplemental health insurance policies (such as those offered by ONVZ and VGZ via United Consumers) do typically cover those expenses.

The more comprehensive Dutch supplemental health insurance plans often cover (fully or partially) the cost of corrective laser eye surgery. Typically the insurance company requires your GP (huisarts) to provide a referral before a consultation appointment can be scheduled with the specialist.

While the Basic Dutch Health Insurance plan does not cover the cost of vision testing and corrective eyewear, it does cover the cost of treatment for common eye diseases (such as glaucoma and cataracts). When such an issue arises, the patient’s Dutch GP (huisarts) will provide a referral to an ophthalmologist (oogarts) for treatment.



  • color blindness = kleurenblindheid
  • contact lenses = contactlenzen
  • cornea = hoornvlies
  • daily wear lenses = daglenzen
  • dry eyes = droge ogen
  • eye = oog
  • eye exam = oog examen
  • glaucoma = glaucoom
  • laser eye correction = ooglaseren


  • lens case = lensenhouder
  • monthly wear lenses = maandlenzen
  • ophthalmologist = oogarts
  • prescription sunglasses = zonnebril met voorschrift
  • retina = netvlies
  • reading glasses = leesbril
  • sunglasses = zonnebrillen
  • tear duct = traanbuis
  • vision = visie

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Netherlands Opticians & Optical Supplies | ExpatINFO Holland (2025)
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